World Oceans Day: Protecting the Big Blue Planet

Why are oceans so important?

There's always been something magical about the deep blue sea that's captivated and mystified humans for thousands of years. Although myths and legends about mermaids or monstrous sea creatures have been debunked, much still remains unknown about our oceans. One thing, however, is certain: Our beautiful seas are integral to human life and encourage biodiversity within our ecosystems.

Jaw-dropping sea stats:

  • The air we breathe: The sea covers around 70% of the planet and produces 50% of the world’s oxygen, as well as absorbing 30% of harmful carbon dioxide emissions. It therefore plays a huge role in combatting global warming.
  • Local employment: As well helping our planet’s atmosphere, over three billion people rely on oceans for their livelihoods.
  • Medicine: Many medicinal resources are sourced from the ocean, including elements which help fight cancer, arthritis, Alzheimer's disease, and heart disease.
  • Transportation: 76% of U.S. trade involves marine transport.
  • The food we eat: Seafood makes up a huge proportion of our diets, and a lot of sea life is used in other foods.


What is World Oceans Day and how can I get involved?

World Oceans Day is celebrated on the 8th of June every year and was initiated by the United Nations to draw attention to ocean damage caused by humans, as well as to appreciate the role that the sea plays in our lives.  

How can I do my part to save the ocean?

  • Don’t be shell-fish, get fundraising!: What better excuse to throw a sea-themed party than to raise money for World Oceans Day? If you’re looking for some sea-friendly partyware, decorate your home with exclusive Party Pieces® King of the Sea: Shark Party collection to really set the tone for the day. Our fin-tastic assortment of eco-friendly shark paper plates, cups and napkins means you can chomp down on party snacks while brainstorming fundraising ideas.


Other ways to get involved:

  • Start donating: There are plenty of amazing charities which support ocean activism. Great ones to donate to include Big Blue Ocean Cleanup who remove millions of kilos of plastic from the ocean each year. Make a Change World also carries out valuable work, cleaning up coastlines and polluted rivers of toxic plastics. Oceana works toward protecting biodiversity in marine life and focus on overfishing. These are just a handful of wonderful charities focused on tackling ocean issues. For more organizations, check out Impactful Ninja’s blog
  • Switch to reusable plastics: At least 14 million tons of plastic waste ends up in the ocean every year, accounting for 80% of sea debris. Do your bit by switching to reusable plastic bottles, containers and coffee cups.
  • Buy ethically sourced fish: 90% of big fish populations are depleted. Overfishing endangers species and affects ocean ecosystems. Without sustainable fishing, we risk facing a food crisis.
  • Hit the sea responsibly: 50% of coral reefs have been destroyed. Coral reefs protect coastlines from erosion and storms. They also provide habitats for marine life, as well as being the source of nitrogen and other vital nutrients in marine food chains.


These facts are important, but how do I get kids interested in World Oceans Day?

Let's face it, kids don’t care about stats, and will need something more stimulating than a list of numbers to understand the importance of protecting our oceans. Now more than ever, it’s essential to educate young people on how to do their part in protecting the environment, as their generation, and the many generations after them, will be most affected. So exactly how can you inform kids about World Oceans Day in a fun and memorable way?

Say shell-o to sea creature costumesDressing up as their favorite toothy shark or whimsical octopus is bound to spark interest in marine life. Made from quality materials, these costumes can be used time and again and passed on to friends and family members when your little one outgrows them.

Watch a sea-themed movie to get them thinking about the ocean. Got a Little Mermaid fan? She’ll love wearing our Ariel The Little Mermaid costume from ©Disney, or the beautiful, iridescent Sequin Mermaid Costume. Dress-up is a great way to inspire children’s imaginations and engage them in conversations on important topics such as protecting the ocean.

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