Make a Tasty Treat With Your Pumpkin Meat

The mighty pumpkin is the symbol of all things Halloween and fall, and let’s be honest, who doesn’t love a pumpkin spice latte when the temperature starts to drop? We sure do! But the round orange fruit (yes, it’s a fruit!) can offer us so much more than just a scary jack-o-lantern for Halloween.  

In the United States alone, over 1.5 billion pounds of pumpkin is produced, and 80% of this crop is used during the month of October. That’s a lot of pumpkins to pick! Sadly, over 1 billion pounds of this sweet squash gets thrown away every year. We think the pumpkin deserves celebrating; there are so many health benefits our orange friend can offer, as they’re packed full of essential vitamins and minerals, and using the gooey bits means less waste in landfills. Sounds gourd, right? We’ve put together some tips and tricks for you to get the most out of your carving pumpkin this Halloween, so read on to find out more.


  1. Save the Seeds

The average pumpkin has around 500 seeds- that’s a whole lot of snacks for your lunchbox! Pumpkin seeds are a good source of healthy fats, magnesium and zinc, so can help maintain a healthy heart, support blood sugar balance and decrease the risks of chronic diseases. When carving out your pumpkin, separate the pulp from the seeds and give them a good wash under running water. Boil the seeds in lightly salted water, dry, then roast on a baking sheet with your favorite savory seasoning, such as spices and a drizzle of oil. Delish! There are tons of roasted pumpkin seed recipes online, so there’s no excuse not to enjoy this healthy snack.




  1. The Perfect Winter Soup

Everyone loves a bowl of homemade soup on a cozy winter’s day- there’s no feeling like it. The fleshy insides of a carving pumpkin are perfectly edible and can be soup-er tasty. Like all squash, pumpkin makes an excellent base for any vegetable soup or hearty broth. Before carving your pumpkin, scoop out the inner flesh, scraping as much from the inside as you can, and separate from the seeds. Not only does this make your pumpkin easier to carve into, you’ll have the base for a very tasty soup. With so many pumpkin soup recipes, like this one from Allrecipes, the flavor combos are endless. Enjoy the scents of your soup simmering away as you carve your pumpkin masterpiece…


Pumpkin Soup
  1. Purée the Pulp

Don’t ditch the guts! If you’re not into soup, use those stringy bits you pulled out of the pumpkin and turn them into a delicious puree. Blend in a food processor and season to taste, to be used in risottos, sweet pies, hummus, and so much more. For more pumpkin purée inspo, check out Delish recipe ideas here


  1. Compost Your Scraps

If none of these ideas tickle your tastebuds, you can always put the pumpkin flesh to good use by adding it to your compost. Once your pumpkin is finished for the season, chop it up and add this to your compost heap too. Pumpkins are made up of 92% water and are full of vitamins, which makes them super nourishing for soil.


Make the most of your Halloween pumpkin this season by utilizing all it has to offer, stringy guts and all!


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